Enhancing Security and Token Liquidity

Deploy crosschain native tokens with zero slippage, perfect fungibility, and granular risk settings — all while maintaining ownership of your token contracts.

xERC20 Standard

xERC20 is a widely supported open token standard, aimed at solving the liquidity, fungibility, and security issues seen today with bridged ERC20s.

Why do we need a standard?

The ERC20 token standard falls short on delivering crosschain functionality and control.

Fragmented Liquidity

When tokens are bridged between chains, each bridge creates its own version of the token on the destination chain. These tokens are not fungible with one another. This fragments liquidity and creates a horrible user experience.

Bad Security

When bridges create their own version of a token on new chains, they deploy the token contract. Not only does the token issuer lose control of the token contract, but those tokens are also locked with that bridge forever.

With xERC20 Standard

Token issuers deploy and control their own native xERC20 tokens on each chain, rather than using bridge-controlled ones. Bridges can then be given the right to mint tokens from that contract with specified rate limits, providing granular security controls.

Complete Ownership

With the xERC20 standard, token issuers deploy and control their own native xERC20 tokens on each chain, rather than using bridge-controlled ones. Bridges can then be given the right to mint tokens from that contract with specified rate limits.

Perfect Fungibility & Zero Slippage

As a result, users always receive the same "official" token when bridging. With xERC20's burn and mint mechanism, token issuers no longer need to bootstrap liquidity, and users experience zero-slippage crosschain transactions!

One Token, Cross Chains.
Unified Liquidity.

Want to upgrade an existing token?

Just like turning ETH into WETH, xERC20 uses a "Lockbox" (an immutable contract) that wraps tokens 1:1 for xERC20.

As Seen On

We've hit the headlines, with numerous articles covering xERC20.
Alchemix is adopting the xERC20 token standard via Connext, aiming to solve the risks faced by tokens from cross-chain bridges.

The new token standard is designed to reduce liquidity costs for token issuers while boosting security.
xERC20 effectively creates tokens that can be transferred with no slippage and without multiple non fungible representations.

An added benefit of xERC20 is that it also gives you sovereignty over your token. With the standard, you can define not only what bridges can work with your token but also how many tokens they can burn/mint.
This innovative mechanism enables Web3 projects to seamlessly migrate their tokens across different blockchain networks, harnessing the unparalleled security of battle-tested canonical bridges.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about xERC20.
What are xERC20 tokens?
EIP-7281 is an open crosschain token standard that adds a minimal extension to ERC-20 to fix problems with token sovereignty, fungibility, and security that bridged tokens face today. xERC20 introduces a burn/mint interface, a whitelist that allows token issuers to whitelist the bridges they would like to work with, and a rate limit for each whitelisted bridge.

The result are tokens that can be transferred between chains with zero slippage, do not require the token issuer to bootstrap liquidity for bridging, have only one version of the token on each chain, and have far better security controls than traditional bridged tokens. Because xERC20 is an open token standard, you're not locked into working with a single vendor or bridge, unlike proprietary token standards available today.
Why use xERC20?
xERC20 tokens offer several improvements over bridged ERC20s and proprietary crosschain token standards. xERC20 tokens allow you to retain ownership of your token contracts on every chain, work with as many or as few bridges as you'd like, remove the requirement to bootstrap liquidity for every bridge and chain, offer zero slippage crosschain transfers for your users, and provide you with granular security controls that can mitigate many of the security risks that bridged tokens face today.
Can I deploy my own xERC20 tokens?
Because xERC20 is an open token standard built by and for the Ethereum community, anyone can deploy an xERC20 permissionlessly!

For more information on deploying an xERC20 token, check out the factory repo as well as these additional resources. If you have questions along the way, feel free to join the xERC20 builders group, where you can chat with many of the projects that have already deployed them.

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Let’s build better tokens

Let’s build better tokens

Let’s build better tokens

Let’s build better tokens

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